The Vince DeBono Route(s).
Marsa Traffic Junction to Valletta, escaping most of the traffic.
All route information and photographs courtesy of Vince DeBono

Hopefully the map above will give you some idea of the Vince route(s) to get from Marsa Traffic Intersection/Island into Valletta missing most of the traffic.
Enjoy, or should that be endure, the Maltese traffic fom Vittoriosa
until the Marsa Traffic Junction is reached. Here turn right and
go north west along Moll tal-Knisja ( Church Wharf ).
Along this road you should glimpse the Grand Harbour on the right (picture above).
Where the road forks go left away from the Harbour....
....and along this road, which goes to the traffic island near Billy Engineers.
The infamous Billy Engineers
Having passed Billy Engineers, go right...
....and continue along the road passing the Power Station on the right.
Then you go by the White Brothers Transport firm.
Shortly after you should get this view as you follow a winding road to....
....this intersection. Here you walk towards a roundabout....
....and the HSBC building where you go right....
....along the road towards Sea Malta (The cruise liner terminal).
At the Cruise Liner terminal the route is along the footpath in front
of the Knights' Warehouses (called Valletta Waterfront)
Continue past the Malta Maritime Authority building. The road required is the
one that is just above the arches that can be seen in the above photograph.
Then turn left and go uphill towards Floriana. At the top of this road turn
right to the War Memorial and into Valletta through the bus station and
City Gate or Glormu Cassar Street towards the Auberge de Castille.
However you can also....
....continue past the Custom's house, through the arch and along the road....
....and then, at this point turn, left through Victoria Gate
and continue uphill into Valletta or....
....continue along the waterside road and enjoy views
of the Grand Harbour and the Valletta Bastions.... you head towards the end of the Valletta Peninsular
at Fort St. Elmo, passing the Malta Experience on the way.